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file - Variable in class view.output.JSONFileWriter
file - Variable in class view.output.SimpleFileWriter
FileChooser - Class in view
FileChooser inherits JFileChooser
FileChooser(String, String, String...) - Constructor for class view.FileChooser
Creates File explorer for the User to choose a file.
fileName - Variable in class test.TestJSONBuilder
FILENAME - Static variable in class test.TestAggregations
FILENAME - Static variable in class test.TestModel
fileWriter - Variable in class view.output.AFileWriter
FileWriterWrapper - Class in view.output
FileWriterWrapper member of class adapter pattern (adapter).
FileWriterWrapper(File) - Constructor for class view.output.FileWriterWrapper
Constructor of FileWriterWrapper delegates to constructor of AFileWriter.
freq - Variable in class model.Transponder
Used field name from JSON file.
fw - Variable in class view.output.JSONFileWriter
fw - Variable in class view.output.SimpleFileWriter
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